EU directives in practice
Just as the EU has to start again with with it's plan to cripple the software industry with stupid, invalid, preditory patents (OK it isn't the intention, but it would be the result) here is a look at the results of another of the EU's directives on the electronics industry from The Times, from EU Serf who also has some commentary. This was a directive on the requirement to recycle old electronic equipment despite the fact that:
"the scientific worth of the directive has also been called into question.
"The aim was to reduce harmful substances leaching into the ground from electronic waste disposed in landfill sites," Mr Chinery says. "But many scientists and engineers in the industry say there is no real evidence to prove leaching occurs," he adds. "
With the results of this directive being:
""If organisations fail to implement a RoHS roadmap in the very near future, they will have difficulties meeting the 2006 deadline," Mr Chinnery warns. "And I predict some companies will go bust because of this," he adds"
And companies going bust is exactly what is needed to aid new EU commision president Barroso as he tries to reanimate the corpse of the Lisbon Agenda in order to make the EU economy as large and dynamic as that of the USA by 2010. However North Sea Diaries has taken a look at the actually policy paper and taken it apart. Baroso has also givern an interview to the FT about his plans which has been reviewed by EU referendum.
The Guardian also has a couple of articles on this topic, the first being that Baroso is like Margaret Thatcher in the eyes of European Socialists and is going to try and do some kind of reform. The second is that apparently Mr Baroso wants Europe to do less and have more done by the national govenments. If this where really to be the case I would be the first to applaud, however looking at the history of the EU I am sceptical over them ever handing power back to the national level. This is mainly for the simple reason call Aquis Communitaire, one of the core tenets ofthe EU that once power is moved to the European level it can never be devolved back.
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